Pavel Terekhov
PhD Student
Pavel Terekhov obtained his BSc and MSc in Technical Physics from the Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University in 2016. In 2016 Pavel joined the Light-on-a-Chip group of Photonics and Electro-Optics Engineering Unit at Ben-Gurion University as a Ph.D. student . His thesis entitled: 'Light manipulation with all dielectric metasurfaces made of high refractive index nanoparticles which support multipoles of second and third orders'. Seminar at EOE Unit
Journal Articles
1. Terekhov, P.D., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., 2019, 'Polarization-dependent asymmetric light scattering by silicon nanopyramids and their multipoles resonances', Journal of Applied Physics, 125, 173108.
2. Shamkhi, .H.K., Baryshnikova, K.V., Sayanskiy, A., Kapitanova, P., Terekhov, P.D., Karabchevsky, A., Evlyukhin, A.B., Belov, P., Kivshar, Y., Shalin, A.S., 2019, 'Transverse scattering and generalized Kerker effects in all-dielectric Mie-resonant meta-optics', Phys Rev Letters, 122(19) 1-6.
3. Terekhov, P.D., Shamkhi , H., Gurvitz, E., Baryshnikova, K.V., E., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., 2019, ', Strong asymmetry of forward scattering effect from dielectric cubic nanoantenna in lossless media ', Optics Express, 27(8), 10924-10935.
4. Terekhov, P.D., Galutin, Y., Hsing Fu, Y., Baryshnikova, K.V., E., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., 2019, 'Enhanced absorption in all-dielectric metasurfaces due to magnetic dipole excitation.', Scientific Reports, 9:3438.
5. Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., E., Babicheva, V., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., Evlyukhin, A.B., 2019, 'Multipole analysis of dielectric metasurfaces composed of nonspherical nanoparticles and lattice invisibility effect', Physical Review B 99, 045424.
6. Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Artemyev Y.A, Karabchevsky, A., Shalin A.S., Evlyukhin, A.B., 2017 'Multipolar response of nonspherical silicon nanoparticles in the visible and near-infrared spectral ranges', Physical Review B, 96:035443, 1-7.
7. Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A. and Evlyukhin, A.B., 2017, 'Resonant forward scattering of light by high-refractive-index dielectric nanoparticles with toroidal dipole contribution', Opt. Lett, 42:4 835-838.
Pavel D. Terekhov, Viktoriia E. Babicheva, Kseniia V. Baryshnikova, Alexander S. Shalin, Alina Karabchevsky, Andrey B. Evlyukhin, 2019, 'Transmission and reflection features of all-dielectrics metasurfaces with electric and magnetic resonances', Photonic and Phononic Properties of Engineered Nanostructures IX. – International Society for Optics and Photonics, Vol. 10927.
Terekhov, P.D, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. A. Artemyev, A. Karabchevsky, A. S. Shalin, A. B. Evlyukhin, 'Optical multipole resonances of non-spherical silicon nanoparticles and the influence of illumination direction', SPIE Proceedings Volume 10528, Optical Components and Materials XV; 1052802, 2018
Terekhov, P.D, K. V. Baryshnikova, A. S. Shalin, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. Karabchevsky, 'Toroidal Dipole Associated Resonant Forward Scattering of Light by Silicon Nanoparticles', Proceedings of the Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, St Petersburg, Russia, 2017.
Terekhov, P.D, K. V. Baryshnikova, Y. A. Artemyev, A. S. Shalin, A. B. Evlyukhin, A. Karabchevsky, 'Multipole optical response of a silicon nanocones', Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2017, St Petersburg, Russia, 2017
Terekhov P.D., Baryshnikova K.V., Evlyukhin A.B., Shalin A.S., 'Destructive interference between electric and toroidal dipole moments in TiO2 cylinders and frustums with coaxial voids', Journal of Physics: Conference Series 929 (1), 012065, 2017 ("Physica/SPb 2016" Conference).
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Shalin, A.S., Evlyukhin, A.B., Khromova I.A., 'Nonradiating anapole modes of dielectric particles in terahertz range', Proceedings of the International Conference Days on Diffraction 2016, St Petersburg, Russia, 2016
Conference Contributions
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Babicheva, V. E., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., Evlyukhin, A.B. 'Transmission and reflection features of all-dielectrics metasurfaces with electric and magnetic resonances', SPIE Photonics West 2019, Talk
Terekhov, P.D., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., 'High-refractive-index nanoparticles embedded in media: Multipole evolution and broadband forward scattering enhancement', SPIE Photonics West 2019, Talk
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Galutin, Y., Kuznetsov, A.I., Yuan, H.F., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., 'All-dielectric metasurface engineered absorption in near-infrared ', The 15th International Conference on Laser Applications in Life Sciences (LALS), Israel, 18–20 November 2018. Talk
Terekhov, P.D., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., 'Multipole evolution and directional scattering in dielectric nanocubes embedded in media', NanoIsrael 2018. Jerusalem, Israel Poster
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Evlyukhin, A.B., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A.,'Excitation of high-order multipoles in Si metasurface', SPIE OPTO 2018, San Francisco, California United States, 27 January - 1 February 2018. Talk
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Artemyev, Y.A., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., Evlyukhin, A.B., 'Optical multipole resonances of non-spherical silicon nanoparticles and the influence of illumination direction', SPIE OPTO 2018, San Francisco, California United States, 27 January - 1 February 2018. Invited Talk
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Artemyev, Y.A., Shalin, A.S., Karabchevsky, A., Evlyukhin, A.B. 'Multipole optical response of silicon nanoparticles of different shape', Days on Diffraction 2017, St Petersburg, Russia, 19–23 June 2017. Talk
Terekhov, P. D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Shalin, A. S., Karabchevsky, A. and Evlyukhin, A. B., 'Toroidal dipole associated resonant forward scattering of light by silicon nanoparticles', Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), St Petersburg, Russia 22-25 May 2017. Talk.
Terekhov P.D., Baryshnikova K.V., Evlyukhin A.B., Shalin A.S., Nonradiating anapole modes of dielectric microparticles in terahertz range, International conference “PhysicA.SPb/2016”. Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Poster
Terekhov P.D., Baryshnikova K.V., Evlyukhin A.B., Shalin A.S., "Destructive mode interference in TiO2 cylinders with coaxial void", International Conference "Science and Progress 2016", Saint-Petersburg, Russia. Poster
Terekhov, P.D., Baryshnikova, K.V., Shalin, A.S., Khromova I.A., Evlyukhin, A.B. 'Multipole optical response of silicon nanoparticles of different shape', Days on Diffraction 2017, St Petersburg, Russia, June 2016. Poster