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A. Karabchevsky, Y. Gorodetski, ‘Plasmonic rack-and-pinion gear with chiral metasurfaces', SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels 2016, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9883, 9883H (2016).


A. Karabchevsky, A. Shalabney, ‘Strong interaction of molecular vibrational overtones with near-guided surface plasmon polariton', SPIE Photonics Europe, Brussels, Proc. SPIE, (2016).   


A. Karabchevsky, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, I. Abdulhalim, ‘Microspot surface enhanced fluorescence from sculptured thin films for control of antibody immobilization', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2011, Proc. SPIE, 8104 - 20 (2011). Best paper award.


A. Karabchevsky, L. Tsapovsky, R. S. Marks, I. Abdulhalim, 'Optical immunosensor for endocrine disruptor nanolayer detection by surface plasmon resonance imaging', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2011, Proc. SPIE, 8099 - 32 (2011).


I. Abdulhalim, A. Karabchevsky, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, 'Comparative study of enhanced fluorescence from nano sculptured thin films', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2008, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7041, 70410G (2008).


Karabchevsky, A. Shalabney, A., ‘Strong interaction of molecular vibrational overtones with near-guided surface plasmon polariton', SPIE Photonics Europe, Belgium, 3 - 7 Apr 2016. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., Gorodetski, Y., ‘Plasmonic rac-and-pinion gear with chiral metasurfaces', SPIE Photonics Europe, Belgium, 3 - 7 Apr 2016. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A. Mosayyebi, A. V. Kavokin,  â€˜Glowing microfluidics', NanoIsrael Conference, Tel-Aviv University, Israel, 22 - 34 Feb 2016. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., 'Disordered photonics: strong scattering and enhanced absorption in disordered molecular layers of primary amines', "Light in Science", International Conference, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 9 - 10 Jun 2015. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., 'Controlling absorption of light by molecules with integrated optics based systems', Impact on Energy, Environment, Health and Water, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 27 May - 1 Jun 2015. Invited Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., G. Buscemi, MIM. Abdul Khudus, P. G. Lagoudakis, M. N. Zervas and J. S. Wilkinson, 'Broadband near-infrared spectroscopy of organic molecules on compact photonic devices', 5th International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA '15), Seefeld, Austria 5-8 Jan 2015. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., M. N. Zervas, J. S. Wilkinson, 'Orthonormal complex hybrid guided mode coupling over a discontinuity in a plasmonic waveguide', XXII International Workshop on Optical Wave Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling (OWTNM 2014) Institute Fresnel, Nice 27-28 Jun 2014. Talk.


J. T. G. Butement, H. C. Hunt, D. J. Rowe, Karabchevsky, A., P. Hua, G. S.Murugan, O. Clark, C. Holmes, L. G. Carpenter, J. C. Gates, P. G. R. Smith,J. E. Chad, J. S. Wilkinson, 'A microflow cytometer for microsphere-based immunoassays using integrated optics and inertial particle focusing' Biosensors 14, Melbourne 27-30 May 2014. Poster.


Mosayyebi, A., Karabchevsky, A., J. S. Wilkinson, 'Nanoparticle-enhanced chemiluminescence in microflow injection analysis', 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano-6) Lyon France 30-31 Oct 2013. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., P. Hua, J. S. Wilkinson, 'Simple evanescent field sensor for NIR spectroscopy', 6th Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics (MediNano6) Lyon France 30-31 Oct 2013. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, I. Abdulhalim, 'Microspot surface enhanced fluorescence from sculptured thin films for control of antibody immobilization', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2011, USA. This oral presentation was recognized with a Best SPIE Publishing Student Lecture Award. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., L. Tsapovsky, R. S. Marks, I. Abdulhalim, 'Optical immunosensor for endocrine disruptor nanolayer detection by surface plasmon resonance imaging', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego USA, 2011. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks, I. Abdulhalim, 'Metallic Nano-Sculptured Thin Films as Fluorescence Sensors for Biochemical Receptors Immobilized on Surfaces', OASIS 2011, Tel-Aviv Israel, 9-10 March 2011. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks, I. Abdulhalim, 'Fast Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Sensor using Radon Transform and its Application in Biosensing', OASIS 2011, Tel-Aviv Israel 9-10 March 2010. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., L. Tsapovsky, R. Marks, I. Abdulhalim, 'Endocrine Disruptor Nanolayer Detection using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging', NanoIsrael 2010, Tel-Aviv Israel, 8-9 Nov 2010. This oral presentation was recognized with the First place in The 2nd International Nanotechnology Student Poster Award. Poster.


Karabchevsky, M. Auslender, I. Abdulhalim, 'Localized versus Extended Surface Plasmon Resonances excited in Nano-gratings with Nano-scale Thick-ness', NanoIsrael 2010, Tel-Aviv Israel, Nov 8-9 2010. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., S. Karabchevsky, I. Abdulhalim, 'Fast Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Sensor', The 3rd Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-3), Belgrade Serbia, 18-19 Oct 2010. Talk.


Shalabney, A. Karabchevky, A.,  C. Khare, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, A. Lakhtakia, and I. Abdulhalim, 'Optimization of Sculptured Thin Films for Optical Signals Enhancement for Biosensing', The 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-2), Athens Greece, 26-27 Oct 2009. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., I. Abdulhalim, 'Enhanced Optical Transmission due to Double LSPR Excitation at Metal Grating Interfaces and its Advantage in Sensing', The 2nd Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-2), Athens Greece, 26-27 Oct 2009. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., C. Khare, C. Patzig, I. Abdulhalim, B. Rauschenbach,'Metallic columnar nano-structured thin films for surface enhanced fluorescence and biosensing in water', FluoroFest09 Fluorescence Workshop, Prague Czech Republic, 3-6 May 2009. Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., C. Khare, C. Patzig, I. Abdulhalim, B. Rauschenbach, 'Metallic columnar nano-structured thin films for surface enhanced fluorescence and biosensing in water', FluoroFest09 Fluorescence Workshop, Prague Czech Republic, 3-6 May 2009. Poster.


Karabchevsky, A., I. Abdulhalim, C. Patzig, B. Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, J. Xu, F. Zhang, A. Lakhtakia, 'Nanophotonic structures to control water quality', The 12th meeting on Optical Engineering and Science, Israel Tel Aviv, 23-24 March 2009. Poster.


M. Auslender, Karabchevsky, A., O. Krasnykov, B. Hadad, A. Goldner, and Abdulhalim, 'Nano-scale metallic grating based structures for sensor applications', The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-1), Istanbul Turkey, 6-8 October 2008. Invited Talk.


Abdulhalim, A. Karabchevsky, A., Patzig, C., Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, B., Eltzov, E., Marks, R. S., Xu, J., Zhang, F., Lakhtakia, A., Towards the biosensing applications of sculptured thin films', The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-1), Istanbul Turkey, 6-8 October 2008. Invited Talk.


Karabchevsky, A., Krasnykov, O., Auslender, M., Hadad, B., Goldner, A., Eltzov, E., Marks, R. S., and Abdulhalim, I., Nano-scale metallic grating based structures for sensor applications', The 1st Mediterranean Conference on Nano-Photonics, (MediNano-1), Istanbul Turkey, 6-8 October 2008. Poster.


Abdulhalim, A. Karabchevsky, A., Patzig, C., Rauschenbach, B. Fuhrmann, B., 'Comparative study of enhanced fluorescence from nano sculptured thin films', SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego 2008, Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7041, 70410G (2008). Talk.

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